
Cale­don Ken­nel Asso­ci­a­tion is proud to cel­e­brate the Fifti­eth Anniver­sary Con­for­ma­tion Show on Novem­ber 29, 30 and Decem­ber 1, 2024. In light of this mile­stone, a num­ber of respected Inter­na­tional Judges have been selected to eval­u­ate and award recog­ni­tion to the best of entries

2024 Conformation Judges
Ann Ingram, Ireland

I was born into the dog world, with a father who was a Ter­rier Spe­cial­ist and a mother who intro­duced the Boxer breed to Ire­land. Both were All-Breed Judges. I began to show dogs almost as soon as I could walk and have bred or owned over 100 Irish and 31 UK cham­pi­ons in Box­ers, Boston Ter­ri­ers, Poo­dles and Lhasa Apsos, also 2 World Win­ners. My ken­nel is named Tirkane

I was 16 when I started to judge. I awarded CCs (UK) in Box­ers aged 25, the youngest per­son ever to do so, and I am now approved to award CCs in 60 breeds in UK, all the groups and Best in Show. I became an FCI All-Breed Judge in 1984 and have judged in more than 50 coun­tries, includ­ing Aus­tralian Roy­als, Sev­eral World Shows, AKC Shows, Orlando and West­min­ster, and most Euro­pean countries.

I retired from breed­ing and show­ing a few years ago after an involve­ment of over 50 years but still retain a keen inter­est in the breed­ing and devel­op­ment of the breeds. Past Pres­i­dent of The Poo­dle Club of Ire­land and Irish Boxer Dog Club and cur­rently chair of Mun­ster Agri­cul­tural Club, Canine Sec­tion, I am still very involved in work­ing with clubs and have trav­elled to Canada, Peru and other Euro­pean Coun­tries over the last few months. I judged the Work­ing Group at Crufts in 2023 and judged Best in Show this year, 2024. 

Richard Powell

Richard Pow­ell has been involved in show dogs most of his life, begin­ning with Eng­lish Cock­ers and Eng­lish Set­ters in his native Eng­land. He came to Cal­i­for­nia in 1976 and decided to pur­sue a career in ter­ri­ers, work­ing for many renowned ter­rier handlers.

When he and his wife Sue decided to go into the han­dling busi­ness they moved East and bought a board­ing ken­nel and small farm. As a han­dler Mr. Pow­ell showed many breeds, includ­ing breed­ing and show­ing Welsh, Cairn, Nor­folk, and Wire Fox Ter­ri­ers. Mr. Pow­ell is licensed to judge the Sport­ing and Ter­rier groups, Dachs­hunds, and Giant and Stan­dard Schnau­zers. He is presently work­ing on the Toy breeds.

Robert Shreve

I was raised in Sioux Falls, SD. with a smooth fox ter­rier as my best friend.  Shortly after I grad­u­ated from col­lege one of my fra­ter­nity broth­ers offered me a Ger­man Shep­herd puppy.  In 1968 my chil­dren decide that the Shep­herd was too big for doll clothes and they wanted a smaller dog, so for our 10th anniver­sary we pur­chased a West High­land White Ter­rier.  In the fall of 1968 we drove 350 mile drive to Rapid City, South Dakota to exhibit at our first AKC point show.  A year later our eldest daugh­ter was given a Wire Fox Ter­rier.  We bred and showed West­ies and Wires until the mid 90’s when I was approved for the sec­ond group.

 My wife and I joined Gree­ley Ken­nel Club two weeks after we bought our first Westie. I was elected Pres­i­dent in 1971 and served as pres­i­dent on five occa­sions for a total of 21 years.   In 1982 I was elected to the Board of Direc­tors of the West High­land White Ter­rier Club of Amer­ica and served 2 three years terms.   I was granted approval to judge Fox Ter­ri­ers and West High­lands on April 14, 1978.   Cur­rently I am approved to judge the Sport­ing, Work­ing, Ter­rier, Herd­ing Groups, Non-Sport­ing group plus 10 hounds and 3 toys. 

I grad­u­ated from the Uni­ver­sity of Min­nesota with a B.A. in Art and Archi­tec­ture and a Mas­ters in Archi­tec­ture.  In 1967 I accepted a posi­tion as depart­ment head for an architectural/engineering firm in Gree­ley, Col­orado and in 1979 I and eight oth­ers pur­chased the firm.  In 1993 I left the firm to open an archi­tec­tural office in Gree­ley that I con­tinue to work in today. 

Doug Johnson

Breed­ing under the world-famous Clus­sexx pre­fix, Doug John­son has pro­duced more than 250 AKC Cham­pi­ons. Dogs from his ken­nel have won more than 175 Best in Show awards and 18 National Spe­cial­ties across four breeds. Mr. John­son holds the dis­tinct honor of pro­duc­ing two West­min­ster Best in Show win­ners, and he is the only breeder of West­min­ster Best in Show win­ners in two dif­fer­ent breeds. He is approved to judge five Groups in the AKC sys­tem; all Sport­ing, Hound, Work­ing, Toy, and Non-Sport­ing. He has had the priv­i­lege of judg­ing at some of the most pres­ti­gious shows in the AKC sys­tem. A founder in the Canine Con­ser­va­tion move­ment, Mr. John­son strives to be a voice for all breed­ers who work tire­lessly to pro­duce and pro­mote their breed of choice. He believes, “Advo­cat­ing for dogs is a pas­sion, but also a respon­si­bil­ity to ensure the suc­cess­ful longevity of unique breeds. Together, we must con­tinue to fos­ter the best breed­ing prac­tices to keep breeds from extinction.”

Jamie Hubbard

Jamie was born in Aus­tralia and began in the sport of pure­bred dogs at the age of 9. His par­ents were breed­ers of Bas­set Hounds; how­ever, Jamie’s suc­cess would later come in Amer­i­can Cocker Spaniels and Eng­lish Set­ters. In those breeds, he owned and/or bred mul­ti­ple Best in Show win­ning dogs, includ­ing Best in Shows at the Mel­bourne Royal and Syd­ney Royal shows. Jamie moved to the USA in 2014, and along with his part­ner, breed var­i­ous spaniel breeds under the world renowned Clus­sexx ken­nel name