
Cale­don Ken­nel Asso­ci­a­tion mem­bers are like minded vol­un­teers who pro­mote the edu­ca­tion and well being of pure­bred dogs. Han­dling Classes, Obe­di­ence and Rally Tri­als and a Con­for­ma­tion Dog Show are the major projects that our mem­bers con­duct. Many are breed­ers and have an inti­mate aware­ness of work involved to ensure the breed­ing and bet­ter­ment of their par­tic­u­lar breed. We are always open to like minded dog lovers join­ing our group. A Mem­ber­ship Form and State­ment of Ethics are included below.

We have fun. One such recent oppor­tu­nity was our annual BBQ. Per­fect weather, great food, and some san­gria made for an enjoy­able gath­er­ing. Sev­eral pic­tures from the BBQ are below.

New Winner!

Offi­cial photo Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada, National Spe­cialty, held Sep­tem­ber 21, 2024 in Welland Ontario. Many thanks to Judge Dr. Fred­eric Maison. 

In a very com­pet­i­tive field of beau­ti­ful Irish Wolfhound, pup­pies, Hal ( Wolfholm  Zin­fan­del of Gle­na­madda (Mor­gan X Bil­lie) bred by Ewa Boldok and co owned by Deb Hayes with Susan Prokopenko) was awarded Best Puppy in Specialty. 


Please email com­pleted form to: Kim Birch, Sec­re­tary