Why A Purebred?

Smooth Collie


That’s one of the plusses of pick­ing a pure­bred dog. There are unde­ni­able advan­tages to know­ing in advance just how big your puppy will be as an adult, how much groom­ing he will require and how easy he will be to train. For­tu­nately, the CKC rec­og­nizes nearly 200 breeds, so the choices are plen­ti­ful as well.

Health testing

Respon­si­ble breed­ers care­fully select and test their breed­ing stock. Don’t be fooled by breed­ers of ‘designer mixed breeds’ and their claims of health­ier dogs. If a breeder can’t pro­vide you with phys­i­cal proof of their dogs’ qual­ity – health cer­tifi­cates, cham­pi­onships and/or per­for­mance titles, which is an excel­lent indi­ca­tor of tem­pera­ment and train­abil­ity – walk away.

Fun activities

There are many CKC events for reg­is­tered pure­breds. Some events are breed-spe­cific, but activ­i­ties such as track­ing, obe­di­ence, agility and fly­ball are open to all breeds. Any dog can be a great dog, but a pure­bred dog can open a whole new world of sport for its owner.

Breeders devoted to purebred dogs!